About Us + What We Do

DoCollective is home to professionals from around the world who see communications as a critical force of change to improve global healthcare challenges.

We believe that:

Action speaks louder than words. The gaps in today’s healthcare system are both critical and urgent. It’s time we stop spending so much time talking about the solutions and more time doing them.

Information should be simple and easy to understand. There is no shortage of health information out there. But we know that more isn’t always better. We believe that with clarity comes change.

People drive change. We begin every assignment with two key questions:  who is our audience and what do they care about? It’s not about creating more noise, but about directly reaching the people who matter most.

We work with corporations, organizations and non-profits working to solve some of today’s most complex healthcare challenges.

Our Services Include:


Research & insights
Persona development
Strategy development


Thought leadership
Social media management
Event management

Bring it to life.

Print and digital design
Video and documentary production
Data visualization
Writing & editorial
Website development